Wednesday, June 17, 2020

New Card: Daffy Drake (Seven Seas #25)

Years ago, many of my "sigcards" from the Yahoo Mailing List for Guardians CCG were incorporated into the fan-made expansion set Seven Seas. I have started to import my homebrew cards to this blog in case Phil, the Bar Fly's website ever goes away.

For those who are unaware, a "drake" is a male duck. On the other hand, the word "drake" comes from draco and, in fantasy, can refer to dragons. So Daffy Drake is a dragon-ized variation of the more familiar Daffy Duck. Once you get past the pun, it's just a generic large, flying, channeling-receiver, with a five-point ranged attack.

Daffy Drake:  External, Vitality: 11, OCB: 0, Babes, Dragon, CMP 0, Green bar. 
5-pt. ranged attack
(Artwork: Sweet, Text: C.J. Burke, Design: Cath)

It's up to the player to decide whether to yell "Rabbit Season!" when playing, or "Woo Hoo! Woo Hoo! Woo Hoo! Woo Hoo!..." when winning a match-up.

If you think about it, Daffy should be immune to damage. But in that case, he shouldn't count for control of the space because he can't control anything any way. (Note: I'm joking. Both of those suggestions would really be unplayable.)

What's your opinion. Feel free to respond in the comments.

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