Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Table of Elements, Part 2

The Table of Elements

Part Two



All Overlords are Large Beer drinkers.
  • Rey, Overlord of Trees, Vitality 4, OCB 2
    (C):For the duration of combat, the disputed land space being fought upon is considered to be the Woods. No ranged attacks.
  • Gnorg,Overlord of Swamps, Vitality 6, OCB 1
    (C):For the duration of combat, the disputed land space being fought upon is considered to be Swamps.
  • Ix, Overlord of the Waters, Vitality 5, OCB 1
    (C):For the duration of combat, the disputed land space being fought upon is considered to be Rivers & Lakes.
  • Uras, Overlord of Mountains, Vitality 2, OCB 2, Channeling Receiver,
    (C):For the duration of combat, the disputed land space being fought upon is considered to be Mountains.
  • Slor, Overlord of the Wastes, Vitality 5, OCB 2
    (C):For the duration of combat, the disputed land space being fought upon is considered to be the Dry Heaps.
  • Baezhu, Overlord of Twisted Ways, Vitality 2, OCB 2
    (C):For the duration of combat, the disputed land space being fought upon is considered to be Spires.
  • George, Overlord of the Jungle *, Vitality 1, OCB 0
    (C):For the duration of combat, the disputed land space being fought upon is considered to be the Jungle. Opponent's command card is dispelled. (Note G)
  • Cranston, Overlord of Limbo *, Vitality 1, OCB 0
    (C):For the duration of combat, the disputed land space being fought upon is considered to be face-down terrain. (Note H)

Elemental Lords:

All Elemental Lords are Medium-sized-sized Babe watchers
  • Iron Lord, Vitality 10 OCB 1, 3 pt fear AOE. When played, +3 pts to the AOEfor each different type of Elemental Lord in play.
  • Rock Lord, Vitality 12 OCB 1, 3 pt fear AOE. When played, +3 pts to the AOEfor each different type of Elemental Lord in play.
  • Sand Lord, Vitality 11 OCB 3, +6 Vitality in Dry Heaps, -6 in Woods
  • Lava Lord *, Vitality 9 OCB 1, +5 Vitality in Mountains, -5 in Rivers and Lakes (Note I)
  • Mud Elemental Lord *, Vitality 13 OCB 3, +7 Vitality in Swamps, -7 in Spires.All your Mud Elementals are +2 Vitality while Mud Elemental Lord isin play. (Note J)

Related Creatures, Spells and Magic Items:

  • Alchemist *, Mortal, Vitality 5/9, Medium-sized, Gold, Wizard, Channeling Receiver, CMP 5.Can channel to Elements only, even Elements that normally cannotreceive channelling. (Note K)

  • Periodic Table *, Hand Magic Item, Up 12.(Picture: A big stone dining table with several of the above elementals sitting around it, eating and drinking).Play as a command card. Name any one Element. The creature named cannot fight and doesn't count for control of the space. (Both sides) (Note L)

  • Chemistry Set *, Hand Magic Item, Up 19.Play as a command card. For one stone, you may play any Element on top of another Element already in a match-up. The combined 'Compound' has a Vitality and Off-Color Bonus equal to the sum of the two Elements, but can only accept channeling if the first creature could. The text box of the second Element is blank and the creature class becomes 'Compound'. If the combined creature loses the match-up, both creatures are beaten. (Note M)


G - Catch 22! Jungles don't allow command cards, so can you have a command card that doesn't allow command cards??

H - Remember, face-down isn't terrainless. So your Tiger Baloos get a bonus, but your Silver Servers don't. Then again, no one else gets a bonus, either.

I - From an earlier sig file. You can't make these Elemental Lords too small, however, because that AOE can really get dangerous.

J - From an earlier sig file (Creature Class Critique #18). I sort of combined the Sand Lord ability with the Vampire Lord.

K - Alchemist bribable by Gold? Makes sense, doesn't it? Sure, he can make his (her?) own, but why bother when it's free. He needs at least CMP 5 because Elements are big creatures, but he also needs a higher stacking penalty than the Necromancer because of the "even though that normally ..." clause.

L - Bad puns are necessary. If I'm putting in all the pro-Element stuff, you need a bogey card.

M - I wasn't trying to create a really big ranged attack, that's why either both win or both lose (but they aren't destroyed, that's too much). The second text box is blanked to prevent sneaky tricks that I haven't thought of yet. And the wordy change in creature class is so you can't do it twice.

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