Allow me to interrupt my Creature Class Critiques to plug another Guardians CCG weblog. This is an easy one to remember: it's
This is more than just a reciprocal link. Jackalware has an active Guardians blog, and he has referenced me and my Event cards a few times.
By the way, you may have noticed that the Events link goes to philbarfly's site, and not my own site. Like I've mentioned before: I'm migrating all that material to this site here. In the meantime, check out phil's site. It's a treasure trove of stuff.
The Event cards will be coming to this blog soon.
Speaking of Event cards, the banner of Jackalware's blog is a new card called Gypsy Caravan and the artwork is based on the artwork for the homebrew Event cards. He's planning another 99 cards and designating the set with the symbol for pi.
By the way, I had nothing to do with those designs other than writing the text and rules. I was absolutely amazed the first time someone showed me the prototype for the Ice Age card.
Irregular Webcomic! #2684 Rerun
1 second ago
One good turn deserves another eh? Thanks for the mention.
I think the addition of Event cards is one of the best ideas to come along in a long while, and we have you to thank for it. Take a bow!
It absolutely does.
The next thing I have to look for is a CD-ROM that I was sent, either by Phil or Thierry with a lot of artwork on it. It isn't with all my other CD-ROMs. I hope it didn't get lost over the years. I think it has some of the Seven Seas stuff on it.
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