Monday, May 4, 2020

New Card: Pony Express (Seven Seas #3)

Years ago, many of my "sigcards" from the Yahoo Mailing List for Guardians CCG were incorporated into the fan-made expansion set Seven Seas. I have started to import my homebrew cards to this blog in case Phil, the Bar Fly's website ever goes away.

I made a comment on the previous card about increasing movement. I look at the next card, and it's a Spell that increases movement!

The limitation of Pony Express is that it requires the Shield to have a Horse, and the Horses must be discarded -- so it would be silly, and wasteful, to have more than one.

Pony Express Spell, Up 2,
Play before turning a Shield. Non-flying shield may move one extra space as long as the Shield has at least one Horse. Discard all Horses after moving. All other movement restrictions apply.
(Artwork: Whelan, Text: C.J. Burke, Design: Cath)

The only possible "abuse" I see of this, and people are free to argue, is if the Horse has an Amulet of Flying. This could make it conceivable that there could be a First-Turn Guardian Kill. It would take an amazing stroke of luck to pull off though. You would have to have this Spell, a Horse, an Amulet of Flying, a Shield, and large flying creatures with some way to kill the opponent's Guardian. This assumes that you don't have to fight any creatures defending the Stronghold first.

Were this to happen against me, I'd likely be equal parts impressed and ticked off. But I would also say, shuffle 'em up, and let's go again.

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